With very few exceptions, the only necessary absence from school is due to illness. The state apportions money to the school district for each child's daily attendance and those days of absence due to illness, provided the illness is verified by the parent. Please send a note or call the school on the missed school day if your child is absent. The note should include the first and last name of the student, teacher's name, date of absence, reason for absence, and parent/guardian's signature. Children returning after a contagious disease will need to be readmitted through the nurse's office. Alternatively, you can click on this form to report an absence:
Checking Your Student out Early
If you need to take your child out of school during the day, please come to the office and we will call for your child. Teachers are not permitted to release children from the classroom without office approval. This LBUSD policy has been put in place for your child's safety and to protect him/her from being taken from school by anyone not on the emergency contact list. If you need to send someone who is not on the enrollment/emergency contact list to pick up your child during the day, please send a note or contact the office ahead of time.